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Look into our eyes and we will tell you who we are

The courage to go beyond

Research, experimentation and innovation: Inside Space has always been ready to tackle new challenges with enthusiasm, to explore new ideas for development and to build exciting new synergies. We are committed to looking beyond the known horizon with far-sightedness and perspicacity. Our team is in perfect tune with the market and able to anticipate developing trends and satisfy the most evolved needs. Our customers, their needs, priorities and dreams are our sole point of focus. Inside Space is a Bangalore based firm with pan-India reach.

Practical experience and inspired creativity

Since inception in 2012, we built our business on the foundation of trust, commitment & transparency. Our products come in all types of material and surface and are perfected by regular testing as well as massive and constant investment in advanced technology. Modern layouts and management methods ensure the systematic organisation of materials and products in our warehouse while advanced stock control software monitors orders in order to guarantee the prompt and efficient customer service for which we are rightly famous.

A way of working and a way of being

Maximum quality is integral to all design and production processes at Inside Space. In line with our ISO 9001:2015 certified Management System, we implement constant quality controls on our finished products, use only top quality materials and comply fully with the requirements of REACH and GREENTOP. Ours is a quality that can be seen and touched. Our product range comprises of both high quaity imported Italian and Indian products, demonstrating how Italian talent crosses national borders to promote a new culture of excellence and a new way of living.

Our Team

The Inside Space team is made up of a large number of professionals, technical specialists and sales people who support the process of business development with their energy and ideas, experience and commitment to shared objectives. Looking after this team is our company's top priority. We conform to the strictest standards in terms of health and safety and the design of pleasant work-spaces. Our Team is dedicated, culturally diverse with great product and Service expertise.